Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Gameplay comments

(Yeah, it's not Flash related, but, in a sense, it is, because the only interface in Empire to the gameplay engine is through Flash.)

Get rid of all the housekeeping bullshit. Someone commented on SimCity xx00 by asking: does the mayor of a city poke around in every single problem to make sure it gets resolved? Maybe in a small, small town but not in any more than modest sized one. Same complaint here. Why do I have to fiddle with all the details to make any progress in Empire? Frankly, the idea of having to check all these tiny tiny things when I am ten levels higher makes me cringe.

Does the American general in charge of the forces in Afghanistan check to make sure checks are distributed correctly on payday? OK, I'll stop, but you get my point.

If the connection drops for a few seconds when the Empire screen does not have focus, no re-connection should be necessary.

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